Film heroine-turned-Telugu Mahila president Roja, who has launched a war against belt shops (unauthorized liquor shops) in the State, was understood to have caught consuming liquor at her guest house.
According to grapevine, Roja, who has been extensively touring the Telangana districts as part of Palle Palleku programme and campaigning against belt shops, had a night halt at a guest house in Karimnagar. Knowing that she is a regular boozer, party people arranged her bottle of liquor from a nearby belt shop. She was enjoying the drink, when some local women entered the guest house to discuss about her action plan against the belt shops. And they were astonished to find her in an inebriated condition. So, they had to make a silent retreat.
These women activists later condemned Roja's double standards and wondered how this woman can run a movement against liquor.
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