3 letters have started a new epoch in AP politics in 1983. It is needless to say that those letters are N T R. People praised to the skies that the era is going to be Rama Rajyam. Entire state was in mass hysteria. The screen god became the Chief Minister as a cake walk. But was there Rama Rajyam? If giving rice for Rs 2 a kilo can be termed as Rama Rajyam, yes that was Rama Rajyam. If giving a yellow shirt and green knickers for Rickshaw pullers were Rama Rajyam, yes, NTR's era was a Rama Rajyam. If announcing prohibition initially but later setting up Government Liquor Hubs with a great nomenclature 'Varuna Vahini' can be termed Rama Rajyam, yes that was Rama Rajyam. On a whole, it's the faith, following and mania those decide the righteousness of a person of leaders. N T R brought identity for Telugu and 'Telugu vari atmagouravam' in international scenario. That is true and holds no dispute. N T R brought that identity and confidence for 6 Cr-population. As a successor Chandrababu also brought identity for Andhra Pradesh as a hub for world standard software technology. One cannot raise finger in that aspect.
But no body is immune to vote bank politics. Be it NTR, Chandrababu, YSR -everybody is bending for vote bank politics. Indian political scenario is in such a miserable position that Rs 2 kilo rice is still a vote pulling mantra. Politicians are becoming millionaires, multi millionaires and reaching unbelievable height sin acquiring properties. But still they are pulling common man votes by throwing Rs 2 kilo rice. Which politician could become a statesman and change this scenario? People know only one thing. Chandrababu earned Rs 10,000 Cr in his political career. YSR earned a few thousand crores in his era. Jayalalitha is worth Rs 5000 Cr in Tamilnadu. Chidambaram is also worth Rs 2000 Cr as per grapevine. The funniest part is that many of Chowdharys are patting themselves saying Babu has Rs 10,000 Cr property and Reddy's are putting glowing faces saying YSR has Rs 20,000 Cr. What about the common man? He is still running for Rs 2 kilo rice. Where is development? Where is welfare? Elections have become a child's play in India.
Will Chiranjeevi change this scenario? Can he start a new epoch that stands impressive and inspiring? Can he become a real life Muta Mestri and Tagore for AP? Then his entry into politics would certainly make great sense.